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Sunday, 24 June 2007

Apparently drinking tea can burn off 3lb's of fat a day!!!

Yeah, like I really believe this will work - LOL


Purple Pigeon said...

what a load of bolo!!

My favourite bit was the person at the side that said ''I didnt change my diet drastically, i just cut out fast food, and eating out, and ate smaller portions and more healthy food''.

Oh, yeah so it was the tea that made them lose weight and not the change of diet. Honestly, how people can beilieve this stuff is a mystery.

Philip. said...

I just don't know how companies get away with this rubbish!!

Why don't they just say - 'don't be a greedy bugger and you will loose weight'!

cathouse teri said...

I came over looking for the fuck! :)

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, "weight loss in a bottle"...I need a list of the people who ordered this stuff, I have an amazing product for them.

Lori said...

LOL! I agree with "evil-e"...send me those folks who buy the stuff, I have lots to sell them.

Thanks for the kind words on my site. Nice to meet ya Philip!


Purple Pigeon said...

All anyone really needs on any weight lost diet plan are four words; EAT LESS, MOVE MORE.

Still can't get over 'weight loss tea''. Unless its so disgusting it just makes you vomit any food you have eaten.

Anonymous said...

Hello Phil i finally figured out how to reply to your comment,ill read your blog from now just to broaden my horizons

Beth said...

I wish...

Although I have heard green tea aids in weight loss. Key word being "aids." A little more effort than drinking the stuff is required.

Philip. said...

So, it would appear that people generally think that this green tea isn't perhaps the miracle way to loose weight :-)