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Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Has summer finally arrived...........

............or is the God of Weather just having a laugh???

Finally, some sunshine and a little bit of heat.

I'm so damn sick of all the miserable wet weather we have had recently although I should count my blessings that I haven't been flooded out like countless other unfortunate people have.

Please, let the sun stay :-)


Anonymous said...

We in Ohio just had some much needed rain last week. We are back in the 90s again this week. It has been a really dry summer here. Glad you can finally enjoy "across the pond".

laughing said...

We have had weird weather here too.

Lots of rain. Earlier there were a lot of floods.

And the temperature has yet to get up to 100.

Beth said...

I hope the God of Weather isn't just having a laugh.
Glad to hear you're finally having some good (normal!) weather.