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Saturday, 7 April 2007

Disabled Parking Bay Excuses

I have saw this on Apparelyzed and it made me laugh as they are so true -

You are parked in a space clearly designated for disabled persons. Please circle the statement which best describes your handicap :

1 - I don't read good.

2 - I suffer from terminal laziness.

3 - I have Attention Deficit Disorder. Huh?

4 - My inner child was bugging me for ice cream.

5 - My shoes are too expensive to walk in.

6 - Wheelchair symbol? I thought it was a rocking chair!

7 - My religion forbids acts of common courtesy.

8 - I ignore OTHER laws, why not this one?

9 -I AM disabled... by a painfully swollen ego.

Here's the original link -


1 comment:

Attila the Mom said...

hehehehe. That was a good one. :-)c