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Saturday, 12 May 2007

Wow - I've had 5 minutes of fame - LOL


I've just been filmed for my employers diversity dvd's which they are going to provide to prospective employees.

There were 16 of us filmed, with each of us answering about 8 questions and also showing us working around the office.

Overall they shot about 7 hours and the total length of the dvd's will be about 20 minutes. This is getting me a bit worried as I really don't all of my Oscar performances confined to the cutting room floor.

So, watch out for the future release of a classic film - diversity in the workplace.

I'll be signing autographs at the opening.

Fame's gone to my head - ROFL!!!


Angela said...

I just found your blog and realized you've found mine too! I look forward to reading your posts -- and viewing that upcoming oscar-worthy performance!!

Philip. said...

Hi Angela :-)

I hardly think it will be an Oscar performance - LOL

See you around.

One Wacky Mom said...

I can hardly wait to see them. I love your blog. I'm going to link into you...I hope you'll reciprocate. I'm an old fart and need to click and visit...if somebody's not on my blogroll, I won't remember where to go.