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Friday, 15 June 2007

I am such a nice man!

I've just offered to buy my better half a new iron and ironing board.

Considerate or not!! :-)


Attila the Mom said...

Only if you ask to borrow it on a regular basis. LOL

Philip. said...

I can't iron. I'm a man!! LOL

Anonymous said...

I am a man as well, an evil one at that, I do know how to iron. Perhaps to soften the initial shock of a new iron and board you should ask the Mrs for lessons? Just a thought?

Purple Pigeon said...

rofl at that. I hope the ironing board has a jazzy cover, perhaps from JML with a non-slip surface, even with silk?

Random Tandem said...

My husband does all the ironing in our household. I'm lazy... and simply not good at it! Must have been that whole Army thing for him that he feels he must have every wrinkle removed...

But yes, it is considerate! IMHO, you can never have enough gadgets!!! :)

Philip. said...

I am a man as well, an evil one at that, I do know how to iron. Perhaps to soften the initial shock of a new iron and board you should ask the Mrs for lessons? Just a thought?

My god, what a thought. What would happen if I was actually good at it??

Best to keep away from such things :-)

Jenn said...

Oh geez......ROFL!!! I think I would rather the consideration of the dry cleaners services....LOL!! So what was the reaction?

Philip. said...


my better half would like a new iron :-)

However, I am sure she will find me some chores to do to compensate for my laziness!!

Anonymous said...

No, Considerate is to buy a cover as well!!

Philip. said...

I'll save the cover till Christmas.

I'm getting nicer by the day :-)

Anonymous said...

Once my hubby bought me a dishwasher for Valentines Day.