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Wednesday, 1 August 2007

What would you do if you took over the world??

Straight away, credit where credit is due; I stole the idea from Insidious Truth.

Here's the link.

Saying that - she stole it off another blog :-)

So, what would you do if you took over the road.

Personally, I would tie one leg of every able-bodied person behind their back so they could see what it was like to have to hop all day :-)


laughing said...

Thank you.

Unlike actual plagiarism, stealing a blog post and giving proper credit probably is the highest form of flattery.

And I stole the blog post from own of my other blogs, not from someone else's blog. I did, however, borrow a lot of the ideas, but I can't remember anyone's name or I would credit them too.

Maybe one of your readers will know.

Anonymous said...

That question could open up some real interesting responses....

With the crappy messed up situation in this world I would not want control. It would be like running a zoo with no cages.

Philip. said...

Oops, sorry for suggesting you were a blog-stealer - LOL

Anonymous said...

Why in the world would I want to take over?


Philip. said...

So that you could do good things

Anonymous said...

hmmm i think i would take it a step further than tying everyone's legs.... maybe have it be a world where all the disabled people pat nondisabled people on the head, tell them they inspirations, force them to do things they don't want to, etc. :)

Philip. said...

Stacey - I like your style!! :-)