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Monday, 9 April 2007

Are you as nosy as me??

When I'm bored I sometimes log into tinypic and click on the images page to see what others are posting. Does that make me a really sad person???



Anonymous said...

not at all when i bored i log into boreme.com, funnyjunk, ohh and mostly you tube t see what daft vids are on there lol :)

Philip. said...

I shall have to try boreme - LOL

Anonymous said...

There are often juicy photos.

I get my kicks by reporting them.

Anonymous said...

Hi Philip

never done it before but it is a laugh.


Philip. said...


careful, it can be infectious and you can easily spend hours watching what others are posting :-)

Joe - tut - tut - ROFL :-)

Anonymous said...

I go on Youtube or on Myspace and watch videos, anything that makes good escapism, i.e. Kung Fu the Legend Continues :D

Philip. said...

Hi Rosanella :-)

I will have to go and have a look at Kung Fu the Legend Continues!!

Anonymous said...

Will you forgive me now for being nosy?
I am curious as to why you don't use a prosthetic? I saw a show about them recently and was amazed at the versatility and functionality of the new generation of artificial limbs. I couldn't believe that athletes could actually run in them! And then of course, there's Heather Mills, who in the process of trying to prove she's a good gal (she sure is a good dancer), showed the world what a person with an artificial limb is capable of. But I imagine they are extremely expensive.

I'm sorry if this is a delicate topic. If so, just ignore me!

I like your blog very much by the way. I can see that you have a wonderful sense of humor and irony! I myself have some physical limitations and try not to define myself by them. You are an inspiration!

Philip. said...


it's fairly simple. I don't wear one because the muscles at the top of my leg are dead so I couldn't walk anyway.

I choose not to wear one for cosmetic reasons 'cos I can't be bothered :-)