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Thursday, 12 April 2007

I wish I had two p.c.'s and four hands!

If you're like me you don't just stick to posting on one site at a time and flit between Ouch!, youreable, ebay groups (hi to all my great friends in the North East Group!!!!!!!!) any many others.

All I can say is thank god for Firefox and it's 'tabs' which allow me to easily go between one page and another.

Even that isn't enough for me now, I want to work on two simultaneously which leaves me the options of hiring a secretary or growing an extra pair of arms.

Off to see Doctor Octopus - take care all!!


Funky Mango said...

You're a fellow youreabler! *waves* I hope you've never fallen foul of me, I moderate Benefits & Appeals ;-)

Philip. said...

Hi Funky :-)

I don't think I've ever had cause to annoy you :-)

I'll have to pop over to the benefits section to say hello :-)